Wittunga Botanic Gardens, Blackwood, Adelaide Hills

Wittunga Botanic Gardens, Blackwood, South Australia

Wittunga Botanic Gardens, Blackwood, South Australia

Botanic gardens are excellent places to hone your photography skills.  I particularly enjoy taking photos of the many birds that tend to congregate in such places. But birds have a habit of flying off just as you focus on them!

Plants and flowers are different. They tend to stay in the same place making photography much easier – except when they are swaying in the breeze. When that happens I usually ask my wife to hold the branch still,  trying not to get her hand or arm in the shot.

How about checking out my blog about birds?

Wittunga Botanic Gardens, Blackwood, South Australia

Wittunga Botanic Gardens, Blackwood, South Australia

Wittunga Botanic Gardens, Blackwood, South Australia

Wittunga Botanic Gardens, Blackwood, South Australia

More flowers of the Canberra Botanic Gardens

Flowers, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra

Flowers, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra

The Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra are a wonderful resource for people like us. My wife is a keen grower of Australian native plants – she runs  a small nursery – so she is always adamant that we visit any gardens open to the public.

I enjoy looking at the plants and flowers too, especially looking for beautiful flowers to photograph. Parks and gardens also attract plenty of birds, and that is my main interest in visiting them. I write about the birds I see and photograph on my blog called Trevor’s Birding – go on – have a look – I’ll wait here while you look.

Flowers in the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra

Flowers in the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra

Flowers in the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra

Flowers in the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra

Australian National Botanic Gardens

Kangaroo Paw flower, Australian National Botanic Gardens

Kangaroo Paw flower, Australian National Botanic Gardens

The Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra are worth a visit at any time of the year. We have visited on a every occasion we have been to Canberra and never tire of these magnificent gardens.

Set on the slopes of Black Mountain and only a short distance from the heart of Canberra, these extensive gardens are a tribute to our wonderfully diverse and beautiful plants and flowers. Most of the paths are very easy walking but some can be a little steep. Many are wheel chair friendly which makes walking for the rest of us a breeze.

I enjoy the bushland setting of the gardens; you forget that you are a five minute drive to the centre of our capital city. The birdlife is prolific with many wonderful species. They are used to people in large numbers, so photographing them I find very rewarding. There is always something flowering too, and I enjoy getting photos of the many plants in flower.

Eastern Spinebill on Kangaroo Paw flowers, Botanic Gardens, Canberra

Eastern Spinebill on Kangaroo Paw flowers, Botanic Gardens, Canberra

Kangaroo Paw flower, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra

Kangaroo Paw flower, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra