Travels in Nepal # 44 Another suspension bridge

When you go trekking in the Himalayas in Nepal expect to cross a few suspension bridges. If you don’t like suspension bridges, then I suggest you go somewhere else for your holiday. Suspension bridges are a part of life in the mountains of Nepal. Without them, trekking would be so much more difficult, and in some places, impossible. A great deal of effort has been expended over the years in establishing a safe and secure method of crossing the rivers and deep gullies in this region.

Suspension Bridge, Nepal

Suspension Bridge, Nepal

I did not realise how high some of these bridges were at the time. It was only when I returned home and looked at photos like the one above that I realised some of them were very high above the rocks and water.

None of the bridges really worried me, but I was still a little cautious crossing them. Overall, I regarded it as all part of the Great Adventure.


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