Archive for the 'Mannum' Category

Scenes of Mannum and the Murray River, South Australia

Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

Mannum is a small river town less than a half hour drive from my home. It is on the banks of the Murray River and has a long history dating back to the paddle steamer era in the late 1800s when Mannum was an important river trade port. The local museum bears testimony to this important element of South Australia’s history.

We enjoy our visits and love relaxing in Mary Ann Reserve where these photos were taken.

Silver Gull and the Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

The Murray River at Mannum, South Australia

Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

The river town of Mannum is less than a half hour drive from our home in Murray Bridge. This popular tourist town is quiet with a good range of facilities including an excellent caravan park and several hotels. The picnic area at Mary Ann Reserve on the banks of the river is a popular spot. It is also where several touring boats moor, including those which provide meals, short trips of the river and longer week long cruises.

An excellent Tourist Information Centre which features the historic nature of the old Mannum River Port which was in its heyday in the paddle steamer era of the late 1800s.

Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

Silver Gulls and the Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

Tungkillo, South Australia

Tungkillo Hotel, South Australia

When we go to visit our daughter in Clare in the mid north of South Australia, we usually go through the small township of Tungkillo. This town is near the eastern slopes of the Mt Lofty Ranges on the road from Adelaide through Birdwood to Mannum.

In all the times we have driven through this town, I recall only stopping on one occasion – to buy an ice cream from the general store – the only store which is now closed. The hotel (shown in the photos) does good meals I believe, but we’ve never been through the town at the right time to stop for a bite to eat. The town is a small community in the midst of farming country, mainly sheep, mohair goats, cattle and some wheat farming where it isn’t too hilly.

The photo below also shows a large pipeline. This transports water from the River Murray at nearby Mannum to the reservoirs which store water for our state capital city, Adelaide.

Tungkillo Hotel, South Australia

Hay bales near Tungkillo, South Australia

From a lookout near Palmer, South Australia

Farming land and wheat silos near Palmer, South Australia

Palmer is a small town about 20 minutes’ drive north of where I live. The main crop in the district is wheat which accounts for the storage silos shown in the photo above. After being stored here for a while, the grain is then transported to flour mills like the one in nearby Murray Bridge, to other mills elsewhere or to Port Adelaide for export.

Palmer is only a short distance from the River Murray town of Mannum, a centre for the river boat trade in a bygone era and now a top tourist destination. It doesn’t show up in the photo above, being slightly to the right of the frame.

The area around the lookout is quite rocky, as shown in the photo below.

From a lookout near Palmer, South Australia

2011 Tour Down Under Stage 2 – still more photos

2011 Tour Down Under, Murray Bridge

Stage 2 of this year’s Tour Down Under came through Murray Bridge this morning. Click back through recent posts to read more information, and to see more photos.

The stage started at Tailem Bend before travelling through Murray Bridge, Kanmantoo, Birdwood, Mt Pleasant and finished at Mannum. This race is the last appearance of Tour de France seven times winner, Lance Armstrong, in a race outside of the United States. The race also features most of the leading European pro-teams in their only appearance outside of Europe.

2011 Tour Down Under, Murray Bridge

2011 Tour Down Under, Murray Bridge

2011 Tour Down Under, Murray Bridge