Cycle rickshaws in Kathmandu

Cycle rickshaws in Kathmandu

Cycle rickshaws in Kathmandu

During my stay in Kathmandu I usually walked to and from my destinations for the day. When the distance was too far I used taxis which are very cheap when compared to Australian prices. There are many other choices for getting around the city. One of these ways, especially in the narrower streets of the older parts of the city, is by using a cycle rickshaw like those shown in the photos above and below.

Although I never used one of these forms of transport, rickshaws are an excellent and cheap way of getting around the twisting narrow streets. They can go places where the taxi drivers cannot go and seemed ideal for short trips. They also have a side benefit; they do not add to the pollution in the Kathmandu Valley and that has to be a big plus in their favour.

Cycle rickshaws in Kathmandu

Cycle rickshaws in Kathmandu


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