Historic Buildings of Robe, South Australia

Old houses in Robe, South Australia

Old houses in Robe, South Australia

While on our holiday in Robe in the south east region of South Australia recently, I enjoyed wandering around the streets looking at some of the old buildings. Many of these historic homes and shops and other buildings were built in the early days of the settlement of the town. This was in the 1840s and 50s.

Old building in Robe, South Australia

Old building in Robe, South Australia

Many of these lovely old buildings are still in use today. Some of them are still being used as shops, others are being used as homes. Many have been renovated inside to include many modern conveniences, but from the outside they appear very much as they were when built. Those that have been extended have mostly been done in such a way that the new section blends in perfectly with the original.

Old buildings in Robe, South Australia

Old buildings in Robe, South Australia

One lovely tiny cottage I neglected to photograph. The roof on the front section actually featured wooden shingles. The newer back section had an iron roof.


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