Joseph Carberry’s Inn, Gundagai, NSW

Old wagon at Joseph Carberry's Inn near Gundagai, NSW
On our recent trip to Sydney to visit family, we stopped briefly at the Dog on the Tuckerbox memorial near Gundagai in NSW. Nearby were the ruins of Joseph Carberry’s Inn.
This is right next door to the famous Dog on the Tuckerbox just a short distance from Gundagai.
You can read the detailed history of this place on the photo of the plaque below. (Hint: click on the photo to enlarge the image.)

At Joseph Carberry's Inn near Gundagai, NSW
So you have plagarised content re the location without attributing it. You have also copied the information board that contains copyright material without attributing it then claimed copyright.
Gte real
Thank you for visiting and for leaving your comments.
With respect, you seem not to fully appreciate our copyright laws.
Firstly, how can I have plagiarised the location? I was there. The text says so. I was at the Dog on the Tuckerbox; I cannot see how I could have been more explicit in attributing this.
Secondly, you are probably correct in stating that the information board contains copyright material. There was no statement of who owns the material written on the sign, so how could I possibly attribute copyright ownership.
Third, I was not in any way claiming copyright on the material on the sign. If you read my copyright statement on this site you will see I only claim copyright on the photos I personally take and the text I write. I was able to photograph the sign freely without infringing copyright because it is in a public place, just as I can photograph a statue in a park, or a sign on a building or artwork in a shopping mall. I don’t own the copyright of the sign, statue or artwork, but I do own copyright to the photo I have taken. In a similar vein, our laws in Australia allow me to take a photo of anything and anybody in a public place and publish that photo, claiming copyright, and without getting permission. The only exception to this is places like military establishments and some government buildings.
Fourth, I don’t know why I’ve bothered to waste all this time on this reply; you have hidden behind a generic name and given a bogus email address, so I doubt if you’ll ever read this reply.
PS: your comments contain 2 spelling errors.
G’day Trevor, I also do not know why you bothered to reply to that first message. It had me looking for copyright info on the sign as I too was there last week & took pics. You cannot please all the people as they say. Regards Dave.
[…] Joseph Carberry’s Inn, Gundagai […]
My grandfather ++ is Michael Carberry he had children with Margaret King from Yass
Is any connection with Joseph Carberry
I live in Canberra